How To Join

Morningside Heritage Association.

 You can join the Morningside Heritage Association by either:

  • You can also join in person at any MHA meeting, by completing a membership application and also paying your annual subscription.

Payments of annual subscriptions can be made by paying cash at an event, by bank transfer, by cheque or standing order.

The annual subscription is currently is £12 renewable on 1 October each year. This supports the work of the MHA, and covers admission to all talks.

There is also the option of attending individual events on the Winter programme as a visitor. Admission costs £3 for each event and this amount is payable at the door.

Membership Form

Join Morningside for £12 per person per year

Membership Application Form - £12 per person per year

Method Of Payment

Gift Aid - Please tick as appropriate

14 + 14 =


Morningside Heritage Association.

For enquiries regarding membership please contact the Membership Secretaries on

All other enquiries, including queries about this website, the Association or the history of Morningside, may be sent to

Please note that, although we are happy to accept enquiries and research requests relating to the history of  Morningside, we do not have the resources to undertake wider genealogical research ; the Scottish Genealogical Society (  is the best starting point for such enquiries.